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Life’s Journey: Untold Diaries

  Photo by  Thought Catalog  from  Pexels The only permanent thing in this world is ‘change’. Time swifts so fast and the world is continuously changing — the society, the climate, the norms, and the people encounter a lot of changes. Some were born to be poor and ended up dying poor. Some were born to be bad and ended up in hell. Some were born to be a leader, rich, and influential and ended up with the same thing. But all of these were not important if we would only wonder about the cycle of life. Everything has its end, no matter how poor, how rich, how influential or famous you are, the only important thing that matters would be the essence of your existence in this world. Is your life worth it? How would you treat others? Have you been good with the people around you? All people have the same ending, but what matters most is that you are able to accomplish your mission while you’re still alive. This is a life story of a young woman, who dreams to be one of the most successful peop

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