Life’s Journey: Untold Diaries


Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

The only permanent thing in this world is ‘change’. Time swifts so fast and the world is continuously changing — the society, the climate, the norms, and the people encounter a lot of changes.

Some were born to be poor and ended up dying poor. Some were born to be bad and ended up in hell. Some were born to be a leader, rich, and influential and ended up with the same thing. But all of these were not important if we would only wonder about the cycle of life.

Everything has its end, no matter how poor, how rich, how influential or famous you are, the only important thing that matters would be the essence of your existence in this world.

Is your life worth it? How would you treat others? Have you been good with the people around you?

All people have the same ending, but what matters most is that you are able to accomplish your mission while you’re still alive.

This is a life story of a young woman, who dreams to be one of the most successful people on Earth. She dreamed, cried, laughed, won, lose, been stressed, depressed, but in the end, she survived.

All the struggles in her life became her foundation to become a stronger and better person. She once lost a battle, but she never surrendered. She once dreamed and always be dreaming and aiming for her success.

How did she start dreaming? How was her life?


Photo by Polesie Toys from Pexels

The young woman’s childhood wasn’t easy. She wasn’t an ordinary kid playing dolls and other toys. She wasn’t even friendly. She loves to play alone in her own little world.

Time flew so fast and she became a student. She has an accelerated mind. Her intelligence was above average, more advanced with other kids of her age. At a very young age, she already knew the English language — though it’s their second language. At 6, she can do basic mathematical formulas like division and multiplication but the only difference is that she can solve even up to 5 digits. She was absolutely a genius for her age. But one thing is not good about her, she was too fragile and she easily cried with just simple mistakes she made.

It’s a pity for her. She was already afraid of failures, judgment, and criticisms from the people around her.

Everyone liked her because of her skills, knowledge, and talents. But, despite all her achievements at a young age. no one knew that she never became happy at all.

For her, life is so cruel, that you need to be strong, excellent, and perfect in order to be accepted in society. That was what she felt in her little world. Her mind began to accept that all things should be perfect so that people would love you.

She began to be competitive in all aspects to the point that she wasn’t still satisfied even she was on top. She never enjoyed her youth, all she thought about was to be number one.


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Her parents taught her well. Her mother was a great teacher, strict but knows everything that will be good for her child. Just like what the saying goes, “Mother knows best”.

Her father spoiled her that’s why the girl was so blessed with her parents. But at the point, were all she thought about was to become number one, she almost ignored her parents’ presence. Her life ran in school. She doesn’t even have time to spend her weekends with her family since she was more focused on her studies.

She didn’t even gain friends, especially in her high school days. She became ignorant of the people around her. She lived but she never cared. Is that the essence of her life? Aiming for success, but never appreciated the things she had at that moment. That made her change her perception of life. All she thought is about her OWN success. She never cared for anyone else, as long as she’s living, it’s fine with her then.

She became selfish, aggressive, badly competitive, and self-conceited. Yes, she’s good but she has been better if she got a good attitude. She never believes in God, for she was highly convinced with the things with scientific explanations. She was raised well by her parents, but what happened to her?

Some people are rich but they are not happy, some are beautiful but still ungrateful. Some are famous, yet miserable. Some people are healthy and well but still problematic, some have the best relationships with their family and friends yet, they were still not content. What would be the problem with these people? What is missing in their life?

*** Perhaps, they forgot the most important thing in life. They must have forgotten the only One who gave them life and everything they had.*** Maybe, they are too busy admiring those beautiful things that they could see, yet forgetting the true provider of those things. Maybe they have been blinded with the lies of the world, they might become deaf of which spoke good and which spoke badly. They might become insensitive with their feelings towards their Creator. They might have forgotten the essence of their life, why they were here on Earth.

When this young lady reached high school, she never imagined that things would change. She never imagined that her attitude might lead her to face the darkest part of her life, and that was spiritual possession. Spiritual possession was not that simple. Not everyone believes in it. Some would say that it might just be some psychological or mental dilemma, but her case is quite different.

Yes, she’s physically good, but when you asked her it seems that she was a different person. When humans are possessed by evil spirits, their character changes and they seem to be no longer themselves. When a personality turns really bad it can sometimes indicate possession by two, three, or more spirits. What is more, among these stray spirits there are some malicious spirits that actively want to destroy the happiness of the people in this world. They manipulate a person’s mind to deliberately make him act in a way that will lead to unhappiness and bring chaos to people’s lives.


Her parents were worried about her condition and it seemed that this young lady wasn’t aware of her own condition at that time. There were times that she couldn’t remember the things that she has done a few hours or days earlier. She often caught by her friends talking with no one beside her and all the people around her got quite suspicious about her condition.

Because of some circumstances, her parents have decided to transfer her to their province. Her parents gave a lot of sacrifices just to cure her if she was really suffering from spiritual possession.

Spiritual possession is a phenomenon in which a stray being from the Spirit World constantly or temporarily possesses and exerts a negative influence on a person living on earth. Most commonly they are known as ‘evil spirits’ and, although many people may scoff at the idea, it is a real and undeniable fact that they exist and influence our lives.

Spiritual possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders, or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it, people must have an accurate spiritual knowledge — they must know the Truth

In high school, she needs to be transferred to their province in order to be cured. No one knew what exactly happened to her. But some of her friends in her former school told her that she was seen doing some ritual dance around a certain tree and that was the strange part of it. The young lady didn’t know about that scenario. She couldn’t even remember what she had done.

She transferred to their province in her 2nd year. At that place, she lived a new life, she found a new beginning, she found new friends, a better environment, and found the peace she always wanted.

Her parents felt relieved upon seeing her recovery in her predicament situation. She became conversant, jolly, and quite nicer. Her academic performance was recovered so fast. When she first entered that high school, she was ranked as 52nd in the class for the first grading period, then jumped to 17th place for second grading, and eventually spotted at 7th place for third grading. Overall, she was able to be part of the Top 15 in their class.

Her recovery was not that fast. In order to have her mental stability back again, she first needed some space, time, and a friendly environment. There were times that her friends from high school that year, visited her in their house whenever she was absent. That hit her; friendship, love, and care can cure what she felt. She lacked all of those.

She remembered her childhood days, she always excelled in everything but never had a chance to have a lot of friends and enjoyed her childhood. Her childhood memories were dull and unhappy. She never cared for someone else in the past few years of her life.

But now, she was happy, she was contented and she was fulfilled because, she realized how lucky and blessed she was because she has loving parents, friends, and relatives.


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

She earned a lot of friends in high school, she even became part of their CAT (Citizenship Advancement Training). In there, she experienced what other most teenagers felt. She met a young man, one of the officers in their CAT. He was a good-looking guy. Tall, dark, and handsome as what others could describe. But what caught her attention was his attitude and characteristics.

This young man was kind, quite smart, and serious during their CAT. That’s what she liked about him, is a serious and mysterious guy. She didn’t know why, but during their CAT, this young man kept ordering her around and sometimes pulled her in the platoon and have an activity with her alone. So, it was a kind of “one-on-one” activity with the captain.

That was the beginning of her new life. She began to felt normal, for she was always on her own in her past. But now, her life was colorful, especially when her heart started to beat for a guy. She used to like this young man, with just a few quick glances during their training, she felt contented and satisfied. But, that feeling lasted for only a year.

During their vacation, the young man started to text and call her. At first, she was curious why did it suddenly happen. Because during the times they were together, it was merely an “officer and trainee” relationship. Their sweetness in calls and texts only lasted for a month due to some circumstances. They have different religions, and that hindered them to enter a relationship.

For every sweetness, there’s bitterness. For every happiness, there’s sadness. For every beginning, there’s an ending. The young man came so fast in her life and eventually left her in an instance.

Time ran so fast, that she needed to leave her Alma Matter. She graduated with honors in her High School and she learned a lot of things from her former school. She treasured every moment she experienced in that school because it was all her first time.

The moment she entered a new school, she began to realize the drastic changes that it brought to her life. She knew that what she had experienced in her teenage days was far more interesting that her childhood days. She never regretted to find her new life in this new place.

At first, she was hesitant to discover the new world around her, but later she knew, she was already invaded by her thoughts and made her a better person.

She now realized that life is full of mystery, that life is not all about oneself, that life is precious and should be taken seriously but with ease. She now knows how to value her life, and also the life around her.

Her experiences, either good or bad taught her the essence of life. The challenges she encountered molded her to be tough and braver. Even though she hated those bad circumstances before, she now knew that those are just a way for her to open up her heart, and widen her horizon.


Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

She chose to study at a University as a Scholar. She passed the College Entrance Examination and fortunately became one of their Top Students.

During her college years, she always excelled in her course, from the first year to the second year. She was undeniably smart and kind to others. But there was still one thing she lacked, and that was her faith.

Still, she thought that all her academic success and achievement were all due to her own skills, knowledge, and strength. She became proud of herself even though she wasn’t that type of self-conceited one.

During her college life, she also became a Student Assistant in their College Library. She was earning some money, while she was studying. After her class or before her first class, she would have her duty in the College Library, and in there, she would have helped the librarians and assisted the students.

Unexpected things happened, and she never knew that it would hit her again. It was in her 3rd-year college when she became stressed out of heavy school works and other circumstances. Moreover, she was quite uneasy about their very strict, perfectionist adviser in their major subjects. She felt exhausted all the time, she even skipped meals just to consume enough time to finish all the necessary documents, videos, and activities that were assigned to them.

Days, weeks, months have passed but still, she couldn’t do the first task that was assigned to them. Her parents, especially her mother began to worry again. Her mother became too emotional about her daughter’s situation. Her daughter felt so uncomfortable at all in her life, she became uneasy and often couldn’t sleep well at night. She couldn’t speak well when she was asked and all she did was to smile faintly.

She even skipped her major class because she was too stressed of hearing some scold and harsh words again and again from her terror adviser. She was verbally abused, she heard awful words that she never heard before. It was painful at her side because it was her first time, but she never knew that her adviser just wanted her to become stronger because those situations might really be encountered in real-life scenarios in the future.

Her adviser was known to be strict, perfectionist and quite harsh but they didn’t know that this person has a very good heart, sincere mind, and good intentions with each of her students. She’s like a mother who always knows best for her children.

She never knew why her adviser should do those mean things to them. She was confused and deliberately depressed with her life. She had experienced the same thing before and she never wanted to deal with it anymore.


Photo by Ichad Windhiagiri from Pexels

She did all kinds of library chores and even talked to other librarians and other student assistants just to free herself from stress in her school works and terror adviser in her course.

She has a best friend whom she can rely on. It was Charm. She was pretty, kind, humble, and very thoughtful. Charm was always by her side in terms of problems, happiness, and crazy moments. During that time, her best friend knew that she’s not quite fine in their school.

It was one sunny morning when Charm noticed that her best friend was sad and quite uncomfortable. At that time, Charm didn’t hesitate to ask her what was wrong. She found out that her best friend was suffering from stress.

The young woman told her best friend about her problems in one of their major subjects. She talked about how difficult it was to produce a short music video using just instrumental audio, given the fact that she has no basic knowledge about video editing.

Charm felt sorry about her situation but she couldn’t do anything to help her because she was from a different college department. All she did was advised her friend to be strong enough to face every challenge in her course. She also reminded her about the reason why she started and should continue until the end.

They talked a lot of different things at that time, then their conversation went too far. They started to discuss their faith and their beliefs. Charm shared her life and how God was good to her life; that even in her hard times, she managed to smile and always glows from within.

The young woman became interested in the kind of fellowship she was in and asked details about it. She was shocked when her best friend’s church and fellowship was just two blocks away from their house.

The young woman was enlightened with her best friend’s words, she wanted to see how good her fellowship was. She wanted to experience the blessings and miracles of God in her life. She wanted to free herself from all those negative thoughts she had.

She wanted to be stronger, she wanted to be more understanding, she wanted to succeed in every task she would encounter, she wanted to be happy and a little faith could give her all she wanted.

The big question puzzled her, “Does GOD really exist?” All this time, she thought, that God was just a fictional character made by the elders, but who knows, God might be real, and that’s what she needs to know. Since she was a child, she was already aware of some miraculous things around her but she treated them as coincidences. For her, “to see is to believe”. If GOD does exist, she promised herself that she would have her FAITH once more.


Photo by George Webster from Pexels

It was February 8, 2017, Wednesday, when the young woman decided to go to her best friend’s church that could be located in their subdivision. She was overwhelmed by how people treated and welcomed her as she stepped on the entrance of the church. The people were all smiling and were possessed with positive energies, she didn’t know why, but, she felt comfortable with the place.

All things were new to her. She didn’t expect that there was this kind of worship and fellowship in their place. The beginning was lively and joyful. In front of the altar, she could see a complete definition of a band but the only difference she noticed was that their songs were all about worshiping God.

The lead singers were all good-looking, but what she really noticed was that; the singers sang wholeheartedly. They even had tears in their eyes as they worshiped God.

She then felt sudden joy and excitement as she sang along with the worship team. She felt happy, amazed, and fulfilled. After the worship, they continued with the words of God. At that time, she heard a word of God from one of the leaders in the church, and also, she was able to accept Jesus Christ as her Savior and God through a prayer conducted by the preacher at that moment.

The young woman felt blessed and overwhelmed with happiness as she went home. She told her mother about it. Her mother became more comfortable and happier when she heard her daughter talking about Jesus. Her mother was relieved that she was now in a good condition and recovering from her stressful environment at school.

After that moment, she felt changes within her. She became more aware of her surroundings. She became open-minded to all the things that she knew. She even had the courage to attend her class in their terror adviser. She managed to endure all those harsh words she could hear from her teacher. She became optimistic and begun to look at the bright side of everything.

She begun to learn new things from her own and with the help of her friends, she begun to humbly ask things from her adviser, she then became more determined in her studies. She was eager to learn new things from her course. She also prayed for her adviser to be kind to them and she never expected that what she wanted would really happen.

For the following weeks, they began to develop a good relationship with their adviser. Her adviser even smiled at her when they see each other in the hallways unlike before. She was very happy at that thought.

She began to realize that from then on, she had found a valuable treasure, a treasure that was priceless, a treasure that can save her from the darkness, a treasure that can forever change her life, and that was JESUS. She was now enlightened that no one can beat people that have God within them. *She now knows how to make her FAITH bigger than her FEARS. *


Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels

The young woman’s life was boring, ordinary, and just another typical college life story but all that changed when she became one of the Victory Church International Christian Ministries (VCICM) Family.

She was really focused on her studies since her scholarship was what she cared about. But when she met her best friend and introduced her to (VCICM), she began to change her way of living. She never gets tired of school works and became excited for Wednesday and Friday nights. She attended the midweek service and brought her family with her.

Months have passed and she was becoming more and more interested to be part of youth disciples. She attended bible classes and became one of the youth’s usherette.

On Sundays, they welcome the people who will attend their Sunday service. She enjoyed her ministry and was looking forward to it. She became part of different activities in their church like jubilees, discipleship, bible studies, and outdoor activities and was looking forward to street preaching. Her life became more interesting. She thought her life became better.

Now, she knew her purpose in the world. Now, she was guided by the spirit of God. She always felt safe and secure at all times. Her faith becomes stronger and deeper and she let it be bigger than her fears.

Delight yourself also in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. –Psalm 37:4

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. –Philippians 4:13

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. –Proverbs 16:3

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. –Isaiah 41:10

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. –Philippians 4:6

Everything happens for a reason. It might be difficult for her to face those problems on her own, but because of her family and friends, all things became lighter. She learned from her faults and mistakes in her life as she grew up.

Her struggles were not easy, there were times that she wanted to end her life just to end her sufferings. She experienced downfall, stress, heartbreaks, and unwanted situations but still, she survived and continued her dreams.

She graduated as Magna Cumlaude in her College years. She did have a good job and have a great family and friends. Her life was almost perfect because aside from all those successes in her life, she FOUND her TRUE LOVE, her TRUE CONTENTMENT, and TRUE HAPPINESS with GOD.

She is now a living testament to GOD’s existence. She was now a believer and a follower of JESUS CHRIST. She’s a warrior, for she was still fighting with the odds of this world.

She’s living the best life she could have, with her family, friends, sisters & brothers in Christ, and for all the people she knew. She continues to fight the problems she encountered but, she can’t be defeated by the challenges in the world, because GOD lies within her.

She is a survivor, a warrior, a believer, and forever grateful with all the MIRACLES she had received from her Savior and GOD — JESUS CHRIST!

If you are feeling down, and hopeless in life. Please, DON’T GIVE UP! I’m here to listen. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!
